Saturday, June 27, 2015

Tips for Maintaining Dental Health

Tips for Maintaining Dental Health
Hygienen Habits
Simply brushing your teeth for two minutes at least twice daily is must.Scroll through your inbox or check your social media while brushing so it doesn't seem so tedious.
Routine Reboot
 If flossing isn't part of your daily oral hygiene routine. It's time to add it ! No flossing leaves 40% of your tooth. Your tooth surface unclean where bacteria laden tartar buildup and plaque can penetrate deep below the gum disesease,tooth and bone loss.Inflammation and even erectile dysfunction.

 Food Fixes
 healthy diet A can aid in daily and long- term oral health,and prevent against oral cancer too. Cheese: protects teeth from acid eerowion and elevates pH for 30 minutes after eating .Cheese also contains teeth-strenghening casein phosphate.All it takes is a 1/3 ounce serving of cheese to get a benenfits.Fruit/vegetables opt for harder fruits like apples that contains fructose (Fruit sugar ) Which is gentler on enamel; hard veggies like carrots are also ideal as they keep teeth strong sans stycky residue.
 One third of men haven't had a dental check up in the past year.
 Less thsn 50% of men brush twice a day and are less likely to seekpreventative care until the problem is too paintful (and likely too far gone) before seeing a dentist.
Men Are at greater Risk of developing oral/throat
Men are affected twice as often as women.and 95% of oral cancer occur in those ages 40 and older.The difference may be related to the use of alcohol and tobacco, a major oral cancer risk factor (more commonly in men than women).
Men have a higher risk than women of developing periodontal disease
Periodontal disease is a chronic.inflammatory infection characterizaed by the destruction of bone that support your teeth.Reasons men mey be at high risk include skipped dental check-up and worse indicators of periodontal health than women ( higer incidence of dental plaque.tartar and bleeding on probing.

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