Friday, July 3, 2015

Natural Home Remedies For Asthma

Natural Home Remedies for Asthma
Asthma is a disease affecting the airways that carry air to and from your lungs.asthmatic's airways are swollen or inflamed.
This swelling or inflammation makes the airways extremely sensitive to irritations and increases your susceptibility to an allergic reaction.As inflammation causes the airways to become narrower,less air can pass through them,both to and from the lungs.
 Symptoms of Asthma :
its symptoms are given below
 –A chronic dry cough that becomes worse at night
 – Disturbing sleep
 –Shortness of breath.
Causes of Asthma :
 An irritating night cough is often the first sign of asthma, especially in children,but it can develop at any age.
1.Allergies Almost all asthma sufferers have allergies. In fact,over 25% of people who have hay fever (allergic rhinitis) also develop asthma. Common sources of indoor allergens includes animal proteins dus mites,cockroaches,and fungi.
2.Tobacco Smoke Tobacco Smoke has been linked to a higher risk of asthma as well as a higher risk of death due to asthma,wheezing,and respiratory infections.
 3.Environment Factors Environment factors associated with asthma include nitrogen oxide from gas stoves.In fact,people who cook with gas are more likely to have symptoms such as wheezing,breathlessness,asthma attacks,and hay fever.Pollution,sulphur dioxide,nitrogen oxide,ozone,cold temperatures,and high humidity have all been shown to trigger asthma in some individuals.
 5.Genes Genes linked to asthma also play roles in managing the immune system and inflammation.
 6.Airway Hyper-Reactivity Hyper-Reactivity is another risk factor for asthma,but allergens or cold air may trigger hyper-reactive airways to become inflamed

Treatment Astmaa Using Natural Home Remedies
 1.Drink more water to Cure Asthma Take 2 to 4 glass of water in ahour.It refreshes the lungs and gives relief.It is very important to drink more water for asthma patients.You will see a large difference.
 2.Treating Asthma in Natural Way using Kiwi The fruit Kiwi has large amount of vitamins and Cinnamon is known for its immune boosting.Mix five cut Kiwis and three tsps of cinnamon and take it daily in the will help you a lot.
3.Home Remedy of Asthma Using Yogurt Yogourt has amazing bacterium in it that cures disease and boost your immune system. Take a two cups of yogourt every day,but do not take it at night befors goinh to sleep.
4.Onion to get rid of Asthma Onions hane anti inflammatory properties so it opens airways to breathe properly and thus helps to get rid of asthma.Take a small onion and cut it into four pieces.Take crushed garlic and those four pieces of onion into simple filtered water and remain it as it is overnight.
The next day ,early morning strain it and drink it on an empty stomach.It will get much relief from asthma.
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